Tuesday, 10 June 2008


On many news websites (e.g., CNN, New York Times, the BBC) and blogs (web diaries or weblogs), you may have noticed links or buttons that say Syndicate this site, RSS, or XML; they all refer to the same thing: a quick way to have the headlines or new additions to these sites delivered to you, as they occur.
There is some discussion as to what RSS stands for, but the majority agree it stands for "Really Simple Syndication" (XML is the language in which the file has been created). When you "subscribe" to a RSS feed, the latest news and additions to the website will be delivered directly to you. You don't need to subscribe to email alerts or click from one site to the next, trying to see the new content that has been added since your last visit. Put plainly, it allows you to identify the content you like and have it delivered directly to you, taking the hassle out of staying up-to-date by showing you the very latest information that you are interested in.


Anonymous said...


Cool blog!

USA rule! lol...


Anonymous said...

Howdy alex
Its rosie
Comment me back baby

Step up : )

Step up : )